Press Is Good

Today's the day. Robert Shaw - Man of Many Voices premieres at Atlanta's Woodruff Arts Center in Symphony Hall.

And if you've been in Atlanta and the surrounding areas, it would probably be difficult to not have at least heard about it. There has been a great deal of press in the past couple of weeks including a very nice spread on the front of the Atlanta Journal Constitution's Living Section. And a live interview on Georgia Public Broadcasting's show On Second Thought.

Observing how journalists all seem to find their own particular take on the story is fun to which. Just when you think you've identified all the key points and the salient messages, here comes someone else with a new perspectives. Perhaps that is why they are in the roles they are.

Of course, there's a treasure trove of rich material here. Once the film is out and screened, there should be lots more new takes and perspectives on the wonder and magic that is our Mr. Shaw. Can't wait to see what they come up with!

If you want to see the newest "press clips", go to the media section. There is a page devoted to them.

Posted on April 24, 2016 .