NY Times: "Poignant and Compelling"

Just received today, James Oestreicht, classical music critic for the New York Times, had a great April 27th article discussing Mr. Shaw's lengthy relationship with the Brahms Requiem and other music as well.

A very intelligent and insightful read, the article discusses Mr. Shaw's workshops, his legacy in the ASO Chorus and his "tremendous force for good." He also notes the Man of Many Voices film and the upcoming ASO and ASO Chorus performance of the Brahms Requiem this Saturday at Carnegie Hall.

Besides bestowing "poignant and compelling" upon the film, Mr. Oestreicht also notes the Thursday, May 5th screening at the NY Public Library for the Performing Arts.

Take a read: http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/04/28/arts/music/saluting-robert-shaw-a-conductor-of-humanist-spirituality.html

Posted on April 28, 2016 and filed under News.